Tuesday, 27 November 2018
This Is Me - Day 22: Conclusion
As you will have noticed, I have chosen to conclude this challenge on day 22. This is for various reasons, but mainly because I saw the engagement come to a halt and so decided to make it easier by shortening the challenge. Besides, todays may take a few days of contemplation.
Today, go over all your entries and begin to write a new script for your life. Everything that has gone before you would now hold enough information to form a basic script. For example, your dream/s, goals, morals etc. Pick areas of your life that you feel you have enough information to write a new script for.
Originally, this challenge was to set you up for something similar to March Magic. We would have been focusing on one main dream with every intention of manifesting it by the end of the month. However, due to changes earlier in the month, and these challenges needing more guidance in the form of worksheets etc, we will be doing something far more simpler for December. As with everything, I try to learn, grow and evolve. I feel this has been accomplished with the journal prompts in this group.
Lookout for some news coming very soon. I have a couple of things planned which I can't wait to share with you all! Xx
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
This Is Me - Day 21: Friendships
Today, take time to evaluate the company you surround yourself with. Are they encouraging and do they lift you up? Do they believe in you and your dreams, or do they laugh at them.
Journal your thoughts on this today. If changes need to be made in this area, think on the best course of action to take.
This Is Me - Day 20: Revisit Your Dreams
Today, revisit your dreams and what you journaled. See related post here.
There are bound to be new ideas or tweaks that need to be made. Today, you can, if you wish to, create a fresh page of dreams. Journal why you made those changes or any new findings. All this thinking is working towards a greater goal.
This Is Me - Day Nineteen: Choices Part Two
It's time to revisit our choices. See previous post on this here.
How did you get on with making new choices and decisions based on your new empowering statements?
This week, we're going to do exactly the same but with a different topic.
- This week, pick a subject you would like to focus on. Note this in your journal. For example, you could choose 'Money'.
- List a set of intentions to do with your chosen topic. Not too many so as to overwhelm yourself. Two or three will do.
- List as many empowering affirmations as you want. Tomorrow will be a craft tutorial on creating portable affirmations.
- Every day this week, document how you applied your new, positive choices and what happened as a result.
Sunday, 18 November 2018
This is Me - Day Eighteen: Resources - Books
Okay, so here's where things can start to get complicated. Forming a habitual routine to pursue your dreams. Granted, it's really next month we'll be looking at how we can pursue our dreams. But this month is all about prep work and part of that work is arming ourselves with as many useful tools as possible. One such tool is books!
Over on Pinterest, I have created a list of book recommendations. I am also posting, over on my personal blog, book reviews. Obviously, the reviews will be personal opinion, however, they can be helpful.
Below is a link to the Pinterest Board of book recommendations that will help you on your journey.
Saturday, 17 November 2018
This is Me - Day Sixteen: Aspirations
Next, have a look at that list and compare with your dream board.
Write what you find or see. Are there any commonalities? If so, what are they and have you ever noticed them before? Does this change your dream slightly?
This is Me - Day Seventeen: Pause & Reflect
It's summary day! Today, write freely a summary of your findings so far. Note any new discovers or revelations.
Feel free to share in the group in the chatty thread set up for summary days!
Friday, 16 November 2018
This is Me - Day Fifteen: Hero
Today, we will be looking at our hero/mentors. Who do you look up to and why? This can be very revealing when it comes to finding out what our dreams are.
- Cut or print out an imagine of your hero and stick down into your journal. Maybe you have met them and have a photo taken with them. If so, use that!
- List all the qualities which makes them your hero or mentor.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
This is Me - Day Fourteen: Dream board
The title says board, however, we are going to stick to the pages of our journal for now as things might change towards the end of the month.
- Open out a double page spread in your journal, OR, create a tip in giving you more space. You can even use separate pages for each topic.
- Divide into sections for each topic from week two.
- Gather images from Pinterest, magazines, wherever, that represent how your dream life would look in each section and stick down.
Here are some ideas to inspire you Xx
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
This is Me - Day Thirteen: Dream
So with your shift in thinking now beginning, it's time to dream.
Today, write how your dream life would look if absolutely ANYTHING was possible. Just entertain this idea if it is a struggle for you.
Continue to add to it as the day or week goes on.
*Remember to also document about your new choice/decision making today.
Monday, 12 November 2018
Sunday, 11 November 2018
This is Me - Day Eleven: Choices
Very often, we make choices by default, based on our core beliefs and values. Having looked at our limiting beliefs that form our core beliefs, it's times to start making more mindful choices. This is very much like exercising, but for the brain.
We become so accustomed to default decisions, that it takes effort to start exercising new thoughts and applying them to our choices.
It's also a lifelong commitment.
- This week, pick a subject you would like to focus on. Note this in your journal. For example, you could choose 'Money'.
- List a set of intentions to do with your chosen topic. Not too many so as to overwhelm yourself. Two or three will do.
- List as many empowering affirmations as you want. Tomorrow will be a craft tutorial on creating portable affirmations.
- Every day this week, document how you applied your new, positive choices and what happened as a result.
Saturday, 10 November 2018
This is Me - Day Ten: Pause & Reflect
This week we can finally begin to distill what our dreams are, based on the work we have put in so far. This is where it all starts making sense....I hope!
I really like the idea of the weekends being your free day to reflect & pause, then write a summary of what you have found so far. These are great for revelations and for discovering more about yourself and your dreams.
So today, write freely a summary of your findings so far. Note any new discoveries or revelations.
Feel free to share in the group in the chatty thread set up for summary days!
I really like the idea of the weekends being your free day to reflect & pause, then write a summary of what you have found so far. These are great for revelations and for discovering more about yourself and your dreams.
So today, write freely a summary of your findings so far. Note any new discoveries or revelations.
Feel free to share in the group in the chatty thread set up for summary days!
Friday, 9 November 2018
This is Me - Day Nine: Family
Following on from yesterday, today's topic is Family. Do exactly the same as you did yesterday but with the issue of Family.
Write out your new core belief.
Write down a positive affirmation personal to your situation around Family.
Stick down images of how you want your Family life to look.
I feel it of importance to note that families look very different to one another. My own family very complex and varied, with them spread far and wide. Some have fascinating stories, some I never got the chance to know.I also consider very close friends family...my brother even marrying my best mate!!
So before you consider skipping this one due to it bringing up any upset, I would take the closest person or group of friends, and form your own family on the page. Stake a claim to a family of your own making if you are cut off from your actual family. Nurture it with positivity and affirm it with affirmations. Focus on the positives of family, not the negatives. Lord knows this, the pain family can inflict, is something I am all too familiar with. Remember, family isn't always made up of blood relatives.
Thursday, 8 November 2018
This is Me - Week Two, Day Eight: Home
Following on from yesterday, today's topic is your Home. Do exactly the same as you did yesterday but with the issue of your Home.
Write out your new core belief.
Write down a positive affirmation personal to your situation around Home.
Stick down images of how you want your new Home to look.
*Home can be both the area you live in and bricks and mortar building.
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
This is Me - Day Seven: Spirituality
Following on from yesterday, today's topic is your Spiritual Beliefs. Do exactly the same as you did yesterday but with the issue of what your spirituality.
Write out your new core belief.
Write down a positive affirmation personal to your situation around spirituality.
Stick down images of how you want your new spiritual life to look.
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
This is Me - Day Six: Money
Following on from yesterday, today's topic is Money. Do exactly the same as you did yesterday but with the issue of Money.
Write out your new empowering belief.
Write down a positive affirmation personal to your situation around Money.
Stick down images of how you want your new financial life to look.
For this page I used gold leaf..
I applied the glue above and waited for it to dry. Next I added the gold leaf then brushed it off using a dry , clean brush.
Sunday, 4 November 2018
This is Me - Week Two, Day Five: Work
Following on from yesterday, today's topic is Work. Do exactly the same as you did yesterday but with the issue of Work.
Write out your new core belief.
Write down a positive affirmation personal to your situation around work.
Stick down images of how you want your new working life to look.
This is Me - Week One, Day Four: Health
Following on from yesterday, today's topic is Health. Do exactly the same as you did yesterday but with the issue of health.
Write out your new positive/empowering core belief.
Write down a positive affirmation personal to your situation around health.
Stick down images of how you want your new healthy life to look.
Saturday, 3 November 2018
This is Me - Week One, Day Three: Relationships
For each day this week, we will be taking a key topic and going big with it. Today we're focusing in on relationships.
Starting a new page, write your new core belief about both friendships and romantic. Write a affirmation that backs up this new core belief, and stick images down that represent how you want your relationships to look.
For example:
I am deserving to have a good, strong, core community of friends in my life.
Affirmation: Friends who are loving and supportive now come into my life.
Remember, with affirmations, keep it positive. I'll explain why later. An example of a negative would be "All unsupportive friends now leave my life."
Friday, 2 November 2018
This is Me - Week One, Day Two: Your Script
Carried over from the Dream Create Journal blog.
Okay so yesterday may have stung a little, but it is crucial we put our finger on the thinking that holds us back! Now for the good stuff!!!
Starting a completely fresh page, look at each sentence you wrote yesterday on your list and write a new, more empowering belief. Be as imaginative and open as possible. Think in terms of if anything were possible.
For example:
Money - I can do what I love and have financial freedom
It may be vague, but that's okay! Remember, we're starting small and this could be a BIG leap for many of you. Also, the interweb is your friend. Look for examples online. Especially Pinterest.
Do this to all the topics on your list. Notice the unbelieving thoughts that come to mind. We're going to develop a new habit to quieten those down and replace them with empowering ones.
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