
Friday 23 March 2018

Today Is Your Day Zine

As I was contemplating all the different things I could use March's Kit for, the idea for a zine came to me. The theme is a timely one for me as I'm having something of a fresh start and new beginning. I thought creating a zine to document this would be both fun and cute, not to mention relevant. I can also photocopy extra copies for friends.

I have a process video for you below, but what I basically did was, after painting a background, I cut out a frame for each page, and used the phrases to give each page a title. Next I embellished the pages with the stickers, sequins, confetti etc. 

Photo order from cover to the back page...

I hope this has inspired you. For a better idea of how I made my zine, check out the following video.

Saturday 17 March 2018

Confirmations, Signs & Guidance!

Little signs, a random word of kindness, serendipity...Sometimes, that's all we have to go on to show us that we're going in the right direction. When you're pretty much on your own, forging the way ahead in life, and realising your dreams, these can feel like an oasis in the desert! 

When I wrote my last post I mentioned something serendipitous happened. At the time a huge block just lifted for me. I saw clearly. I knew what needed to be done. 

Then the mail arrived.

A bright pink envelope with my name on it lay in the porch. It was from a business I follow on Instagram. I have been wanting to subscribe to their boxes for a while, but haven't been able to. They then released a personal power pack...very timely! Included was a gem stone bracelet and affirmation card. However, it was a surprise as to what gem stone it would be. 

So there I am, writing that blog post about feeling more empowered, knowing what I have to do next, and being my true self, when this personal power pack arrives.

Upon opening it there was a beautiful fragrance. My gem stone bracelet is Sodalite. Now bearing in mind the next fear I have to overcome is in the area of being myself as an artist. This is what is said about Sodalite...
 The Sodalite crystal meaning is linked to the ethereal energy that promotes the highest form of self-expression. Sculptors, painters, and artists were known to carry Sodalite for inspiration.
 Next, a card with the words "Believe in Yourself" stood out. Signs and confirmations at their best!!!

What was a bit vague was the affirmation card. It was about embracing peace within and surrendering the outcome. This I feel goes deeper and I need time to think about it. 

I'm well and truly into the second half of March Magic and I feel that, even with the guidance, I'm in vast and unfamiliar  territory. The next steps are a little harder than before and I really could do with a breakthrough right now. But for now, I'll go find that peace within and embrace it, trying to be present and enjoy the now. 

Power Pack from Rainbow Soul Surprise Box

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Getting Ready For Your Dream!

New starts can happen at any time. Not just on Mondays or New years. For me it just so happens to be mid-week, mid-month. 

March Magic (see here), has brought me to a point where I am finding courage to be my true self. To be honest with you, I didn't think that this would be as big a side effect as I thought it would be. The goal was to spend a month intensely investing in both ourselves and our dreams. I knew inner change would happen, that it had to happen. But not in such a dramatic way. 

It's not even been a month yet!

This makes me wonder....what will the next few days bring?

I have wanted to make changes and form new habits in a certain area for a while now but they never seemed to stick. But with what has happened to me these past few days, including facing a big fear of mine that held both shame and hurt, I feel more empowered, not to mention the fact I can see with more clarity. I put the latter down to blocks that have been removed.

When this clarity comes, you see what needs to be done and feel ready for it this time. There's a very strong sense that a new start is here, whether you like it or not! You've moved into a new space. Now you have to occupy it!

It's scary and exciting at the same time! 

This, I believe, is what you getting ready for your dream looks like. 

A sign, in and of itself!

As with any sign you have to claim it! This is where I am now. Making new choices and decisions to reflect this. 

All this comes about when we are mindful each day, of our inner growth and pursuit of our dreams. If we stop to listen and pay attention, following the signs, learning the lessons, this will no doubt not only prepare us for, but lead us to our dreams.

In my next post I'm going to share something very serendipitous that happened after I wrote this! 

Saturday 10 March 2018

My March Magic Journey - Week Two

Since my last post quite a lot has happened. For a couple of days there was a lull. Journaling was going well and I was loving the fact I had something different to focus on each day. By doing just a little each day and being forced to bring to mind my dreams because of each days prompts, I felt a shift happening.

On Monday, I faced a fear I've had for a long time. This particular fear is rooted in my upbringing and has to do with fear of getting things wrong, or in trouble. Really, there was no chance of that and I was projecting my mind into a imaginary future situation thus creating fear. So, I took the leap and faced it.

Since that day, I felt a block clear and feel very strongly that I'm in this new state of allowing. The door is now open for new opportunities to flood in.

The next day, as I scanned through houses online as part of that days prompt, I knew I had to look for the house that matches my ideal, and not for THE house. This meant no max price and widening my search area. Within minutes a house popped up that evoked exactly the same feeling of a picture I have on my vision board Of a room in a house that captured the essence of what I wanted. Not only did this house evoke the same feeling but it looked very similar down to items in the room. It was really bizarre how similar they were. It didn't stop there. 

This property also had features that I had been visualizing! The miracle of it all is that out of all the houses I've looked at, this is the first time this has happened. I've been looking for years! Certain properties have appealed in the past, but they haven't matched ones I've visualized as my ideal place. 

I've learned that first we need to dream up our perfect home. Establish it first in the mind. Then a property like it will appear.

So the next miracle is receiving the house. I'm not saying it'll be that exact one. It is a sign though. Before we receive, signs show up. I believe this is one of them. 

Today, It works out that I have a couple of powerful things to do that reinforce the idea of receiving. On top of that, the whole of March Magic feels more empowering seeing what everyone else is doing, how inspiring they are, and the encouragement everyone is giving to each other.

At the time of writing, my seedling sprouted today. May that be a another sign!!! EDIT: At time of posting, a second seed has sprouted!

Synchronicities - How Do I Know If I’m on the Right Path?

If you have questions about the direction of your life and synchronicities, you're in the right place. In fact you could count bein...