As I opened the box, I saw the card inside and read it as 'Happy now year'. Instantly I corrected myself but stopped.
"Happy NOW year...."
It was one of those moments I intuitively knew that there was a deeper meaning than just misreading a word on a piece of card.
Little did this person know that the real gift lay not in the present, but on the card they wrote on.
I decided to contemplate it for a while. What happened next was like following a piece of string to see where it led, finding bits of clues along the way and piecing them together to form a bigger picture.
The Power of Now
When we hear a word, phrase or saying enough times it can become a cliche. Unless we pay it attention and allow it to become meaningful in our lives. One way this happens is in a moment of inspiration, in other words, a flash of insight.
This grasping of the 'inner nature of things intuitively' is an eye opening experience and can lead to a profound journey of discovery.
And that's exactly what happened when I opened that box.
Every year starts with the same greeting...HAPPY NEW YEAR! New...we pin that word before everything we do with the start of another year. New you, new habits, new year resolutions, and so on.
Our minds switch to a NEW mindset....which rarely lasts more than a few days because old habits die hard.
Every moment can be a new start if we decide it to be. Every morning, every Monday, Every month, usually all hold some form of new beginning.
But when you think about it all we have is NOW! And in the now, in the present there is power! It is in the now we cultivate new habits, can change our mind, practice mindfulness, make decisions.
New year resolutions are mostly always based on the future and the past. The future; when we make resolutions we're thinking only of tomorrow. The past; when we're trying to keep up a decision we made in the past. And as time passes, the resolution we made begins to fade into the past and we lose interest. We rarely ever think about the now when it comes to new beginnings.
Now what?
So now what? Without going into everything that I realized as I followed this idea, I suggest a journaling exercise this week...
By your bed write your main goal, resolution or intention you made for the year. Also keep your journal to hand. Each day make a conscious effort to live in the present as much as you can. It is difficult I know. Try not to think about the past or future when it comes to your resolution. Give that resolution, goal or intention the gift of now. Ask yourself how does my resolution apply today? How can I cultivate this habit in this moment in this day? Then at the end of the day journal what you felt, and anything else you learned or that came to mind.
Observe your day everyday for a week, in the context of your resolution. You may be surprised at what you learn. Even deciding to tweak a few things.
I have been doing this exercise myself for a week now and I'm surprised at what has come up.
Old, deeply routed fears that have been ingrained in me since birth. I saw them for the first time for what they were. And I realized that if I wanted to progess any further in my goals, I would have to deal with these.
And that's what it's all about...allowing our resolutions to be so much more than a single change because we decided the new year would be a good time to start. You start every day, moment by moment and constantly learn and grow. Even if your goal is to lose some'll find it's probably going to be more about deeper issues...not just about self-esteem but saying no, living your truth, following your passion, finding a new group of friends...etc etc.
So happy NOW year! Let's make each moment count!
If you're a member of my Patreon, there's a post revealing what happened next!